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类型:全真试卷  解析:无解析  年份:2024  收藏  纠错

  1. What are key components of research design? ( )

  答案:Timeframe.###Sampling Strategy.###Data Collection Methods.

  2. The following aspects of informed consent that are essential in research

  ethics include ( ).

  答案:Researchers explaining potential risks and

  benefits.###Participants being allowed to withdraw from the study.

  3. When should all authors be included in the in-text citation,according to th

  APA style? ( )

  答案:When there are two authors.###When there are three to five


  4. What are some essential tips for writing an effective abstract?( )

  答案:Use keywords###Emphasize points differently from the

  paper.###Use ……此处隐藏18725个字…… 答案:To evaluate previously published material

  120. Methodological articles typically present highly technical materials,

  derivations, proofs, and details of simulations within the main body of the

  article. ( )


  121. In a research article, many different sections can be found in empirical

  studies, including ( ) .

  答案:Method###Literature review###Introduction###Discussion

  122. According to the lecture, which step in the proceduresof thesis writing

  involves drafting a title and abstract? ( )

  答案:Step 1: Choice of Topic

  123. The primary use of case studies is ( ) .

  答案:To illustrate aproblem or shed light on research needs

Tags:智慧树(知到) 北京第二外国语学院 社会科学研究方法与论文写作
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