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类型:模拟试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2015  收藏  纠错

第一部分 客观题



1、 The method is ______ success and the students have made ______ progress.

    A. a  the                     B. 不填  the

    C. a  不填                     D. 不填  不填


2、 The teacher divided the students into small groups ______ ability.

    A. in terms of           &nbs ……此处隐藏28847个字…… .     61、Pre-reading: (1)Talk about their traveling experience and what they want to buy if they go abroad; (2)Read the title of the passage and predict what the passage will be about.     62、While-reading:

    (1)fast reading

    Task 1: listen to the tape, and conclude the right main idea of each paragraph.

    Task 2: skim the passage, then find the correct part of sentences.

    (2)careful reading

    Task 1: read the text carefully and do the "True or False" exercise.

    Task 2: read Para.2, and answer questions.    


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