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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2016  收藏  纠错

Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and grammar

Directions: Choose from A, B, C or D the one that best completes each sentence. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.

1、George is one of the brightest students who ______ from Washington University.

    A. had graduated

    B. is graduated

    C. has graduated

    D. have graduated


2、I have two brothers, but ______ of them likes sweets.

    A. both

    B. neither

    C. either

    D. none


3、The committee suggested that n ……此处隐藏22435个字…… more staffs are needed in the emerging industry.

    On the other hand, aging society may cause pressure on many respects. The nation needs to make an adequate budget on Medicare of the aged group, and meanwhile provides enough infrastructures. Aging society leads to a lack of labor force. Our nation has conducted a universal two-child policy and a postponed retirement system, but these would not help to ease the problem in a short term.

    It's hard to say whether the opportunities outweigh the challenges or not, it is high time to stay alert to this problem. With proper measures and policies, I believe the seniors would live a better life. (220 words)    


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