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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2012  收藏  纠错

Translate the following terms into Chinese



2、Bretton Woods system


3、magnetic resonance imaging




5、carbon credit


6、credit rating






9、anti-monopoly legislation


10、incubation period


11、total fertility rate


12、fuel cell


13、soil alkalization


14、Memorandum of Understanding


15、offshore oil drilling



Translate the following t ……此处隐藏8560个字…… bs, zero-employment families and people in disaster stricken areas find jobs; vigorously supporting entrepreneurship as a means to promote employment generation and further improving employment related public services.

    We have launched a comprehensive and in-depth reform of our health care system, which includes putting the building of a basic health care system on the fast track, setting up a national basic medicine system, improving health care service at the grassroots level, advancing equal access to basic public health service, and carrying out reform of public hospitals. Our goal is to realize universal access to basic health care and build a basic health care system by 2020.    


Tags:北京外国语大学 翻译硕士 英语学位MTI考试 石油党建“每日答题”2019年9月26日试题及答案 石油党建“每日答题”2019年9月27日试题及答案 石油党建“
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