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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2014  收藏  纠错

Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate words derived from the words given in parentheses at the end of the sentences.
1、 The front army troops were ______ by a large contingent of students from the military academy. (strength)
2、 I was looking forward to a casual stroll, but he walked at a ______ pace. (vigor)
3、 A ______ of cultures or ideas occurs when two very different cultures or people meet and conflict. (collide)
4、 The ______ purpose of scientific discourse is not the mere presentation of information and thought, but rather its actual communication. (fundament)
5、 ______ today's digital revolution serv ……此处隐藏63696个字…… hysical works. Long-term labor makes them unhealthful. They should have had a happy life in their late life. However, if we raise the retirement age, they have to work for even longer than before, this will make their health worse.
    In a conclusion, I personally do not advocate the raise of retirement age. The higher the retirement age is, the fewer jobs there are for the young. However, whether an increase in the retirement age is good or bad should be considered comprehensively from the population, social security, female worker's own development problems, especially the employment problem. So the government should listen to the views of the community before making policies.    

Tags:四川外国语大学 翻译硕士英语学位MTI考试 石油党建“每日答题”2019年9月26日试题及答案 石油党建“每日答题”2019年9月27日试题及答案 石油党建“每
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