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[单选题]After a successful negotiation, the British guest begins to praise the host ’s pen, which is an exquisite pen of a luxury brand. The Chinese host then tries to press the guest to accept the pen as a gift while the guess tries hard to refuse it. What do you think the interpreter should do in this case?HCu答案窝(daanwo.com)-大学生作业答案及考资分享平台
AThe interpreter should just continue to act as a neutral bridge to convey the words of both sides.HCu答案窝(daanwo.com)-大学生作业答案及考资分享平台
BThe interpreter should interpret the guest’s words and explain to the host that the guest was only trying to do a small talk. HCu答案窝(daanwo.com)-大学生作业答案及考资分享平台
CThe interpreter should help the host to persuade the guest to accept the gift.HCu答案窝(daanwo.com)-大学生作业答案及考资分享平台

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