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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2023

 Temperatures are warming and daylight lasts longer. People who like to garden may be ready to get their hands dirty and start clearing the ground for new plantings. But garden experts warn—not too fast.
  Jessica Damiano is one such expert. She says that removing plant matter too early can disturb important insects not ready for the cool early spring temperatures. In early spring, those insects are still sleeping. Removing the plant matter before the insects begin their life cycles would mean removing them from your garden. Fewer insects mean less food for birds and fewer flowers and vegetables for the gardener.
  Damiano says experts do not all agree on the best time ……此处隐藏23625个字…… elp us read various English materials and memorize unknown words. Second, it is convenient to communicate with foreigners online, which is beneficial to our spoken English and listening. All these have something to do with the use of digital technology.
  Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take some measures to enhance the digital literacy skills for English learning. First of all, the teachers are supposed to encourage students to learn English through digital machines. Meanwhile, as college students, we should not ignore the convenience of using digital technology for English learning. When we are benefiting from it, we shall also do our utmost to maintain its vitality to ensure ourselves a brighter future.

Tags:山东省普通高校专升本考试 英语
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