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[问答题]【简答题】You can answer the question either in Chinese or EnglishA 15-year-old African-American female presents to the emergency room with complaints of bilateral thigh and hip pain. The pain has been present for 1 day and is steadily increasing in severity. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen have not relieve her symptoms. She denies any recent trauma or excessive exercise. She does report feeling fatigued and has been having burning with urination along with urinating frequently. She reports having similar pain episodes in the past, sometimes requiring hospitalization. On examination, she is afebrile (without fever) and in no acute distress. No one in her family has similar episodes. Her conjunctiva and mucosal membranes are slightly pale in coloration. She has nonspecific bilateral anterior thigh pain with no abnormalities appreciated. The remainder of her examination is completely normal. Her white blood cell count is elevated at 17,000/mm3, and her hemoglobin (Hb) level is decreased at 7.1g/dL. The urinalysis demonstrated an abnormal number of numerous bacteria.ibg答案窝(大学作业答案分享平台
1. What is the most likely diagnosis?ibg答案窝(大学作业答案分享平台
2. What is the molecular genetics behind this disorder?ibg答案窝(大学作业答案分享平台
3. What is the pathophysiologic mechanism of her symptoms?

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