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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2021


第1题、  Are you having difficulty following diets? Our lives are way more complex than those which allow us to stick to a monotonous restrictive diet. Food psychologist Ridhi Golechha (里迪·格莱查) said, "If all of us could follow diets, we'd all have reached our goals. Real-life stresses such as lockdown anxiety, relationship conflicts, workload, financial stresses, exasperating parenting, teenage drama, and so much more directly impact how we feel and by virtue, what we eat. If on paper diets were so easy to follow, then we'd all be part of that tiny ten percent of people in the world (athletes, models, or actresses)—who are permanently fit."    We all know of those roug ……此处隐藏22523个字…… uo;结构”一词连用多次,可根据搭配变换表达,如“需求结构”可译为demand composition,表示需求的不同构成。 4.⑩句“试点”即“人口普查试点工作”,因此可译为“census trial”。 采分点二:理解结构 1.④句说明了人口普查的背景,也正是因为这一背景,进行人口普查具有必要性,因此翻译时,可在④⑤句之间加一个Therefore,使得文章逻辑更为紧密,也更有聚合性。 2.④句“发展方式、优化经济结构、转换增长动力”均用作“攻关期”的前置定语,译为英文时可转换为名词结构,作为critical period的后置定语,这样更符合英语的表达习惯。短文中还有许多类似表达,都可采用这种方式处理。 3.⑧句“老龄化程度不断加深”,这里若直译为the degree of population aging deepens continually,则不太符合逻辑;此处“老龄化程度”实指“老龄化人口的占比”,因此可处理为increase of the aging proportion。 4.⑩句较长,结尾短句“队伍建设非常重要”是对前面阐述的总结,因此可在此处对句子进行拆分,并且按照英文的表达习惯将结论放在前面。同时,“一切工作都离不开人”这一句的中文表达较为地道,译为英文时也可灵活处理,如human resource is always the indispensable guarantee。

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