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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2021

Part Ⅰ Reading Comprehension

The founder of Alibaba once said "Singles' Day (November 11) shopping festival activated only a tiny part of China's domestic demand, and has still a long way to go to fully unleash the great potential of the Chinese market." He added that: "Alibaba will hold Singles' Day shopping festival for at least 100 years, and make Singles' Day a shopping festival for not only Chinese consumers but also people around the world. The festival will last even longer than Alibaba itself."

    Chinese shoppers have spent big over the Singles' Day shopping festival, showing the country's strong economic recovery following the Covid-19 epidemic. Sa ……此处隐藏12494个字…… find an efficient way to improve teaching skill and listen to the key information that teacher delivered could help students gain abundant knowledge. In society, listening is also an indispensable way to promote mutual understanding and trust. The two countries enjoy firm and friendly relations if active listening is conducted. For example, result from listening to each other and offering timely help, China and Pakistan enjoy traditional friendship. On the other side, America failed to listen to the appeal and suggestions of China, the trade disputes would never cease.

    In a word, listening is a crucial skill that needs to be learned and practiced from all aspects of our daily life.    


Tags:对外经济贸易大学 考博英语
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