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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2018

Part Ⅰ Vocabulary

1、 While I was reading in the sun, a drowsy feeling ______ over me, so I had to go back into the house.






2、He ______ his eyes on the beautiful scene when he and his family traveled to the mountains and water in Guilin China.






3、The results were ______ in comparison with the effort required to achieve them.

    A.tiny ……此处隐藏63160个字…… 富的国家。它拥有壮丽的山川、泉水、瀑布、宏伟的古建筑、众多的名胜古迹。自然景观与人文景观交相辉映。世界自然遗产和文化遗产集中体现了中国人民的智慧和勤劳。如果你到中国来你会为之着迷的。你们可以在长城、风景如画的桂林、神秘的紫禁城等旅游景点领略中国的古老文明。    

62、Remain true to our original aspiration and keep moving forward. Since more than 30 years of reform and opening-up, the Chinese people of all ethnic groups have united as one and struggled hard under the leadership of the communist party of China. As the development of China's reform and opening-up as well as socialist modernization speeds up, people's life is radically improved. Because socialist system experiences consolidation and development in China, we can welcome the bright future of realizing the great revival of the Chinese nation.    

Part Ⅴ Writing

63、    略

Tags:安徽大学 考博英语
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