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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2011

Ⅰ. Transcribe the following words into IPA symbols, with stress marking where necessary.
1、 corpora
2、 sociologist
3、 chef
4、 debris
5、 nasal
6、 embedding
7、 antonymy
8、 facial
9、 annotated
10、 phonetics
Ⅱ. Fill in the following blanks.
11、 Lyons predicted in the seventies by pointing out that linguistics is ______, rather than speculative or intuitive: it operates with publicly variable data obtained by means of observation or experiment.
12、 Phonetic similarity means that the ______ of a phoneme must bear some phonetic resemblance.……此处隐藏15935个字…… tem are called options. And the items of a particular system have something in common, belonging to the same area of meaning. For instance, singular and plural are distinct, but they both have to do with number. There are also systems of gender, tense, and mood, etc. A system is a list of things between which it is possible to choose.
    The system network in Systemic Grammar chiefly describes three components of function, or three metafunctions. Each of the metafunctions is a complex system consisting of other systems, and choices are simultaneously made from the three metafunctions. This is the close relationship between Systemic Grammar and Functional Grammar.
[考点] 考查韩礼德的系统功能语法中系统语法的研究目的。

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