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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2018


1.I grew up in an urban neighborhood in Arizona.




【听力原文】I grew up in a small village in Arizona. Our neighborhood was mostly family. There were many vacant lots and plenty of room to play. We had a baseball diamond and a football field. The Peralta brothers, my closest buddies, used to play golf around there. My father was a subcontractor in the building trade. As I grew up, I helped him. I also had responsibilities such as chopping wood, carrying water, cleaning the yard, and helping my grandmother and grandfather. For a while, we had well water, but then the city water came in, and my dad installed it. For fun, we used to play hide-and-seek, run-sheep-run and kick-the-can. ……此处隐藏32421个字…… o your manager about what you're getting out of your internship, and thank him/her for giving you the opportunity to work there. We all love hearing the occasional expression of appreciation, so don't be shy about offering it. A simple expression of gratitude may even put you ahead of the pack.

【试题解析】 毕业大学生如何在实习期间给工作单位留下良好的印象?对此本篇短文提出了一些建议。第一,切勿好高骛远。实习期间,给你分派的工作也许是一些非常琐碎的小事,但是这些小事都与你的业务领域相关,而且能够帮助你积累经验。第二,从工作伊始就一点一点地证明自己的能力,逐步赢得他人的信任。第三,注意你工作场所的办公室文化,细心观察并模仿你的同事是如何办事说话的。第四,上班时间不要分心。工作时间在社交媒体上聊天或给朋友发短信并非小事,你的主管经理看到后也许会认为你工作态度不认真。第五,如果不小心犯了错误,不要试图掩盖或寻找借口,应该勇于承认并尽力补救。第六,就你的工作表现向你的老板征求反馈意见,这会帮助你在工作中不断进步。第七,向身边的同事虚心学习,借鉴他们的宝贵经验。第八,得体的着装会展现你良好的工作态度。第九,虚心向别人求教,征询自己职业生涯规划方面的建议。第十,为获得宝贵的实习机会向你的老板表达感谢之情,几句简单的表示感谢的话会让你给用人单位留下良好的印象。

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