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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2017


Peres served as Israel's prime minister and different cabinet ministers.




【听力原文】Shimon Peres, one of the last surviving pillars of Israel's founding generation, died on Wednesday at the age of 93. As prime minister (twice); as minister of defense, foreign affairs, finance and transportation; and, until 2014, as president, Mr. Peres never left the public stage during Israel's seven decades. He did more than anyone to build up his country's formidable military might, and then he worked hard to establish a lasting peace with Israel's Arab neighbors. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994. He was born with the name of Shimon Persky on August 16, 1923, i ……此处隐藏33370个字…… This is not to say that you should act like a dancing monkey when giving a serious presentation. But unlike an E-mail or article, people expect some appeal to their emotions. Simply reciting dry facts without any passion or humor will make people less likely to pay attention.

【试题解析】 本篇短文就如何做好商业报告提供一些小贴士。短文从十个方面提出了建议:第一,对所讲内容应非常熟悉。第二,明确听众的基本情况,对于听众人数多少、身份背景及其对所讲主题的熟悉程度做到心中有数,并据此指定策略办法让观众保持注意力和兴趣。第三,尽量只使用关键词组和关键信息,如果使用幻灯片,尽量做到简单明了。第四,幻灯片页数不宜太多,并避免频繁换页。第五,使用图表、图片、带文字的视频等可视资料既可使报告内容更加丰富多彩,也可增加趣味性。第六,不宜过多使用幻灯片动画效果,以免分散观众的注意力。第七,语速不宜过快,必要要有停顿,以起到强调的效果。第八,把观众提问互动环节安排到报告结束之后,这样整个报告过程可以更加流畅,不受打断。另外,允许观众在报告中随时提问会出现一个问题,即观众提出的问题很可能在报告的后半部分会有所提及或解答,结果导致演讲者不得不进行不必要的重复,浪费宝贵的时间。第九,报告尽量简短,将报告控制在时间限制范围内。第十,增加报告的趣味性,用激情或幽默来打动观众,否则内容枯燥,难免会使观众失去兴趣。

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