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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2022


1、Governments around the world act on the assumption that the wealth of their people depends largely on the power of common economic and wealth. Under modern conditions, this requires different means of maintaining control, so the help from professional scientists such as economists and operational scientists is very important. Furthermore, it is quite possible that the economic strength of a country depends on the performance of its agriculture and industry, which is the result of various scientific and technological developments. This also means that — the reform government urgently needs to carry out dry to these departments, in order to improve the production and utilization efficiency of the maximum level. For ex ……此处隐藏3288个字…… otected due to lack of funds, and are always faced with the risk of destruction. The development of tourism can promote local economic development so that valuable culture relics can be saved in time. On the negative side, tourism develops sometimes at the expense of part of culture relics. Culture relics are a kind of non-renewable resources, so the tourism development will inevitably be affected accordingly after the destruction of culture relics.
    In the light of these facts, one can conclude that tourism and culture relics have a very close relationship and cannot be separated. While we are developing tourism industry, tourists should also be required to show respect for culture relics.    

Tags:西南财经大学 考博英语
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