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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2010以前


  Good afternoon, everybody. I´m pleased to be here with you, graduates of 2007. I´m a__1__, and students often approach me with__2__. You see, we are living in a society of great changes. With the presence of__3__, the process of getting a job in today´s world has changed for__4__.

  Well, how can you use new technologies to help you? First, let´s look at how you__5__. The traditional method of hunting for a job in the past required first, doing research on jobs that were__6__, typically by looking in newspapers, periodicals and magazines, as well as TV ads, and__7__. Then you decided where and for what post you were going to apply, put your resume__8__ in a stamped envelope, and waited anxi ……此处隐藏84028个字…… ome extent, Shanghai men constitute the symbol of social stability and harmony. When his wife is happy, he is happy, too. Thus the whole city is permeated with a happy atmosphere. Although Shanghai men are bantered as henpecked husbands, they do not submit to their wives. When a dispute arises, the husband either keeps silent or laughs it off. Occasionally, he may lose his temper, but shortly afterwards he will not hesitate to apologize. In the end his wife finds herself following his way. Shanghai men are clever, practical and sometimes rather slick. What impress people most is that Shanghai men are imbued with an enterprising spirit in advancing his career, have a strong sense of responsibility for the family and respect the fair sex.

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